Search tips to find a property
If you're having trouble locating your property account on myGuilfordCounty, the tips below can help!
After clicking Find Property on the dashboard, myGuilfordCounty users have four ways of searching for your property:
Parcel Number
- Enter the parcel number exactly as it appears on your bill.
Property Address
- For directional streets, leave the direction (North, South, East, West) out of the street name
- Do not include words or abbreviations like Drive, Court, Pl, St, etc. in the street name
Owner Name
If you can remember, try using the exact name the property is titled or registered under.
If you may not be the primary owner, try searching by any additional owner’s name.
If you're still having trouble, try searching for the name associated with your account using the Guilford County website.
Bill Number
- Enter the bill number exactly as it appears on your bill. Do not enter the numbers after the dash; these numbers are related to the tax year of the bill, rather than the bill itself.
For more information on how to link to your property account, see Add a property account to my profile.
For information on how to pay a property tax bill, see Pay a property tax bill.